Social-like solutions with Google Bannière - Masterclass African Digital Summit 2024

Social-like solutions with Google

16:00 - 17:00
Thursday 2 March
16:00 - 17:00
  • Social-like solutions with Google

Masterclass Synopsis

Discover how to boost your existing social media strategies with newly launched Google social-like solutions: Video Action and Discovery, to expand your marketing beyond social media.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Masterclass, participants will be equipped to :

  • Learn about the Growth Programme and holistic overview of Google Ads
  • Understand today’s digital landscape
  • How Google can help complement social by leveraging different formats
  • Deep dive into Google’s social-like solutions: Video Action and Discovery
  • Understand the seasonality peaks, such as Ramadan
  • Elodie Harris

    Elodie Harris

    Senior New Business Account Manager, MENA region

    Elodie has been at Google for 3.5 years, helping new advertisers in the Middle East and North African region grow their businesses online through Google Ads solutions, focusing on a tailored approach to their business model.

Seuls les participants ayant reçu une confirmation de leur participation à l'African Digital Summit pourront s'inscrire aux Masterclass

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