Bannere title

Influence Marketing: Trends and Effective Strategies

Masterclass Synopsis

This masterclass is carefully designed for marketing and communication professionals who wish to deepen their understanding of influencer marketing and acquire the necessary skills to develop effective and sustainable influencer campaigns. Throughout this experience, participants will be introduced to the latest key figures and trends in the influencer market. They will thus be able to grasp the major challenges that brands face when collaborating with influencers.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Masterclass, participants will be equipped to :

  • The challenges that brands face in this constantly evolving field
  • Current figures and trends in influencer marketing
  • Best practices and approaches for a successful effective influencer marketing strategy
  • Concrete case studies illustrating impactful influencer marketing strategies.
  • Friday 3 March
    12:30 - 13:30
  • 12:30 - 13:30

Inscriptions aux Masterclass au plus tard le 1 er Mars à Midi.

Les places étant limitées à 25 personnes maximum par Masterclass, merci de vous inscrire que si vous êtes sûre d’assister à la Masterclass de votre choix.

    Seuls les participants ayant reçu une confirmation de leur participation à l'African Digital Summit pourront s'inscrire aux Masterclass

    Je participe