Bannere title

Building transformative brands that inspire action and drives business

Masterclass Synopsis

In this hands-on masterclass Thomas Kolster, a.k.a. Mr. Goodvertising, shows how to build an authentic, people-first brand. It's not about making people believe in your brand's purpose, but rather making them believe in themselves and their ability to bring about change. The masterclass will provide you with the Arrow-model to create a real brand transformation as well as tools to create relevance and avoid purpose-washing. The latter part of the workshop will focus on how to empower people across the marketing mix with Kolster’s proprietary tool The Wheel. This masterclass is for everyone working in advertising and branding curious about how to create meaningful brands and the activation that follows.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Masterclass, participants will be equipped to :

  • An introduction to the methodology and thinking
  • The mass-production and mass-marketing era is losing its power to the democratisation of everything from businesses to media.
  • People don’t buy stuff, they buy a better me. Deliver personal distinction: a gain of knowledge, experience or acquired skills.
  • The market is shifting from an experience economy where it’s about value alignment with people to a transformation economy where it’s about making people’s lives better across body and mind.
  • We don’t buy what you make or why you make it but WHO you can make me become. Introduction to creating a transformative brand with the tool: The Arrow.
  • There’s a market pressure on purpose to evolve from a societal benefit to a tangible outcome for people – a transformative
  • Friday 3 March
    11:00 -12:00
  • 11:00 -12:00

Inscriptions aux Masterclass au plus tard le 1 er Mars à Midi.

Les places étant limitées à 25 personnes maximum par Masterclass, merci de vous inscrire que si vous êtes sûre d’assister à la Masterclass de votre choix.

    Seuls les participants ayant reçu une confirmation de leur participation à l'African Digital Summit pourront s'inscrire aux Masterclass

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